Welcome to Don Hadden's Photo Library
My wife Llane and I are New Zealanders. We arrived in Australia July 2002 having spent the previous three years volunteering on Bougainville Island. My wife is a Remote Area Nurse and we have spent most of our time in Australia living in various outback Aboriginal Communities. I retired from teaching on our arrival here and now photograph wildlife full time, especially birds. At present we are living in New Zealand full time while we wait to see how the pandemic unfolds.
There are over 20 000 images on my website illustrating about 700 bird species on the Australian list and over 200 bird species on the New Zealand list. There are numerous overseas birds illustrated. Other fauna and flora images are also available.
This website allows you to browse a selection of my nature photographs and purchase them. Please email me don.llane.hadden@gmail.com for a quote. I use a Canon 5D Mk 4 photographing in RAW and processing my images in Adobe Photoshop Elements.
See slideshow 1; 2; 3; Now showing slideshow 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10;